Southern Steel WA offers a one-stop shop solution for all your custom steel processing and supply needs, maintaining the highest standards of customer service and quality control from initial consultation through to processing and delivery.
From steel cutting, drilling and plate profiling, our advanced steel processing capabilities offer our clients a fast, comprehensive and cost-effective solution to meet all their needs.

Southern Steel WA has advanced beamline cutting and drilling services that include plasma and saw cutting, coping, notching and mitre cutting.
Our vast inventory of structural steel profiles includes beams, columns, channels, flats, angles, rectangular and square tubes, rails, DuraGal® Profiles, billets and blooms.

2 x Beamlines
Technical capabilities:
- Welded beam up to 1000WB
- Welded column up to 400WC
- Universal beam all sizes
- Universal column all sizes
- Channel all sizes
- Equal angle 50×3 up to 200×26
- Unequal angle 75x50x5 up to 150x100x12
- SHS 50×3 up to 400×16
- RHS 75x50x3 up to 400×300
- Mitre cut capabilities -45° to +45°
- Drilling hole sizes available from 6mm up to 50mm. Larger milled holes and slots available upon request.

Our extensive onsite tooling library ensures we can perform the complex bending that is our hallmark, on angle sections from 25x25x3 to 125x125x12.
We have a large range of specialised tooling for pipes, angles, channels, RHS, SHS and flats. This extended capability means we can increase our throughput, boosting our productivity and delivering a cost-effective solution for every project.

1 x Angleline
Technical capabilities:
- Equal angles: from 30×30 150×150
- Holes: from 6mm – 30mm
- Slots: from 10×30 – 26×30

Steel processing
At Southern Steel WA, our plasma cutting capability allows us to process extra-long lengths up to 21m, ideal for applications across a wide range of industries, including mining, agriculture and transportation.
Our plasma cutting and drilling capability allows us to cut, bevel and mark extra thick materials to deliver superior productivity in X-Y, bevel, drilling, tapping, countersink and counterbore applications on metal up to 80mm thick.

We have an extensive range of equipment, including cold sawing and numerous band saws to process mild steel, quench and tempered with optimum efficiency.
Whether it’s carbon steel grade 250 or grade 350 plate, coil or laser plate, boiler plate or quench and tempered plate, Southern Steel WA has an unparalleled range of plate processing services to meet your unique needs.

2 x Bandsaws
Technical capabilities:
- Straight cut: up to 1000mm
- Mitres: from +45° – -60°

1 x Coping Line
Voortman – Robotic beam coping/drilling system
Min/max height 10 – 500mm
Min/max width 60 – 1250mm
Bevel angle + / – 50° min (Only plasma marking and cutting)
- Create copes
- Bolt holes
- Slots
- Notches
- Bevels
- Weld preparation
- Layout marking with ease
Partner with the experts in custom steel processing
Whether you need high quality off-the-shelf components or a bespoke grade of steel, we have unparalleled capability to meet the unique needs of your project.
Get in touch for your custom steel processing solution.